A reader from the Netherlands chimes in with this important aspect (problem) relating to Magic Your Way tickets:
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Magic your way tickets - this has brought more people to the parks in Florida, or it made people stay longer and spend more. however, in the long run this seems to work against Disney - just imagine: you've been to Disneyworld , 10 days in 2006, and again 10 in 2007 - and perhaps you booked 10 days this summer because it was so cheap, there was a lot of new stuf to see, and the usual 3 to 4 days you used to "play" in the years before, were never enough. There was always something you did not see, or you would have like tot spend just another day at one of the waterparks.
But now, having spend so much time in the Parks, you have seen everything - two, three, even four times. or more. Including EE. All in- the magic your way might end up as being too much, too easy, too cheap, for there is no reason that you HAVE to go back any time soon. Yes it was fun, but you have seen it all, year in year out. perhaps now is the time, to skipp a few years (just like you used to do in the old days) before going back.
Short turn gain might end up being a long turn loss - sure, lots of people will go to Florida. But some of them will go to cheaper hotels outside of Disney, for they are eager to see "Harry" and a few new coasters in other parks. Disney can wait, or we just buy a three day hopper, so we can do our favorites. Anything new on te horizon at the World? accept for a few new parades and TSM (nice, but no EE!) I cannot see anything being build right now. Worse, we will have a closed space mountain soon - with nothing to replace it! And the MK is a place i am not able to fill an entire day already.
And if they want those people to stay 10 days again and again and again - even with higher cost, they will have to give them more, and of a higher quality - or eventually they wont be coming back. People will go to Florida, even with parks closed on certain days a week, even with higher fuell prices.
But only if you build it, they will come. Disney needs to act, right now, fast track on new parades, perhaps a big show (aladin?) in the MK to help us get through 2009, and start building new things fast...... btw- my last visit to Florida was in januari 2005 - if the crowds seem to lessen next year I will go back again - for I very much dislike crowded themeparks!
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