You're a Dad that is sweating this trip already. Airfare, hotels, restaurant meals and the $200 a day for the family's tickets to the park.... now you realize this trip will cost $3,000+ and the credit cards will take months to heal. The card is red-hot already from being run through the register so much.... damn, breakfast at the character restaurant you promised the kids was "brunch"! No one was even that hungry and it ran $150 and the kids had a little cereal and juice. You overate just trying to get some value out of it and now your stomach is killing you.
Now you hit the stroller rental counter for a double wide for the twins. It's gotta be $10 a day for a stroller cost Disney $60, the way they charge around here.
What does that sign say? $31? Must be for a week, that's great! At least they cut you some slack on something. Say what? $31 A DAY?! For a STROLLER? You have got to be freakin' KIDDIN' ME HERE! Listen, my RENT A CAR only costs $15 a day more than that! This stroller got 200 horsepower, auto trans and A/C? No? THEN WHERE DOES $31 A DAY COME FROM?!! My 8 year old wants to see Mickey, has a bowl of Cheerios and it's $25! OK! BUT $31 FOR ONE DAY OF STROLLER!?
Family is almost in tears, but Dad has snapped like a dry branch in a stiff wind. He was ready to pay high on this trip. He knew everything would be expensive. But this is so outrageous, so over the top, and he's so vulnerable, what does he do? Tell the twins to wait outside?
He takes a deep breath, remembers the poor kid behind the counter just works here, and pays. He wants this to be a good time for the family, and he forces a stiff smile. But he and the wife will have a little talk tonight after the kids are down. They will never go to a Disney park again. Ever.