I meant to comment on the news that Uni-Orlando is closing 'Earthquake' to replace it with something else, in just a few short weeks (which implies a makeover, not a new ride), but reality intrudes and I have to say farewell to something else: Bruce Gordon.
Disney fan sites are all saying goodbye to Bruce, and I echo their sense of loss. It's even deeper for me, though, since Bruce was a guiding light to Jason and I when writing our first Disneyland books and a mentor about publishing in general. I'm more than mourning - I'm pissed at the unfairness of the world. Bruce was a great guy, at least to us, and his passing is bad news for just about the whole world. His touch wasn't always golden (witness DL's Pooh ride), but that could very likely be the cause of budget considerations beyond his control, and not his fault. None of that matters. We are all a little more impoverished with this news.